Phyllis Mania


Since early 2022, I have been communicating science for ELEMENTS, a research cluster in astrophysics and particle physics.


Astronomisch groß und mikroskopisch klein

Die Entstehung der schweren Elemente im Universum lässt sich nur aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln verstehen: Im Leuchtturmprojekt ELEMENTS gehen deshalb Theorie...

Karriere in der Kernphysik

Mit dem Ira Rischowski-Programm der TU Darmstadt werden internationale Studentinnen auf ihrem Weg in die Wissenschaft gefördert. Neben ihrem Masterstudium...

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© Uwe Dettmar/Goethe-Universität

Together with physicists from ELEMENTS, I organize an annual workshop for students as part of the national Girls' Day in Frankfurt or Darmstadt .

© Uwe Dettmar/Goethe-Universität

What are stars made of? How are elements like gold formed? For the lecture at the Frankfurt Children's University in 2023, I assisted the scientists with advice and support.

© Uwe Dettmar/Goethe-Universität

In the summer semester of 2024, I organized the Deutsche Bank lecture series titled "The Origin of Matter", which was opened by Harald Lesch.

© Klaus Mai/TU Darmstadt

In October 2024, the electron acceleration in Darmstadt celebrated its 60th anniversary. I organized a ceremony with invited guests and an open day with tours of the accelerator.